Rumi’s Market Place and Deli
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4:30pm Executive Committee Meeting
5:30pm Social Hour, appetizers (falafel, hummus, tabouli etc.)
6:30pm Dinner, Traditional Middle Eastern selections for meal and dessert
7:30pm Talk: Computational Approaches for Assessing Carcinogenic Potency of Untested Nitrosamines, Suman Chakravarti, Ph.D.,MultiCASE, Inc.
“Computational Approaches for Assessing Carcinogenic Potency of Untested Nitrosamines”
Suman Chakravarti earned his Ph.D. in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS) in Indore, India in 2000. Suman is currently Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at MultiCASE, Inc., a company devoted to the development of software that can assess the toxicological and pharmacological potential of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. He is the creator and author of MultiCASE’s toxicity and metabolite prediction softwares: CASE Ultra and META Ultra. Suman has over 20 years of experience in modeling quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR), computational toxicology, cheminformatics and machine learning. He is also principal investigator of a research collaboration between the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, the FDA and MultiCASE for the enhancement of in silico decision support tools for evaluating drug safety.
Although Cleveland ACS will not mandate vaccination or masking to attend our face-to-face meetings, we expect everyone to act in an appropriate manner to respect the health of all our attendees.