2020 Heller-Dabrowski Award winner named
The Cleveland Section of the American Chemical Society annually sponsors an award to recognize an outstanding high school chemistry teacher in the Cleveland Section. The award is named for Irene Heller of North Olmsted High School and Betty Dabrowski of St. Magnificant in recognition of their contributions as outstanding high school chemistry teachers and their service to the Cleveland Section.
We are pleased to award Lisa Cumming this year’s Heller-Dabrowski Award. Lisa is the Honors and AP Chemistry teacher at Olmsted Falls High School. She is co-advisor of the Science Honors Society. In the words of her nominator, “her infectious love of the field of chemistry is impossible to avoid, even with 6:00 am before school AP labs.” Lisa was presented with the award at the high school and will be formally recognized at an upcoming meeting of the Cleveland-ACS when in-person meetings resume.