February 2021 Meeting Notice: Chemistry Trivia Night!

Wed. Feb. 17, 2021, 7:00 pm
A NEW EVENT! In a departure from our normal meeting format, instead of a speaker we’ll do a CHEMISTRY BAR TRIVIA COMPETITION! Attendees will log onto an online quiz-hosting site and participate in a three-round trivia quiz, emceed by the Section Chair. There will be 15 questions per round, and speed counts! Participants will be vying for prizes: gift cards of $100, $50, and $25 for the top three scorers.
Here’s how it will work: Registrants for the meeting will receive a Zoom link and a crowdpurr.com URL and quiz code for the event (so you’ll either need two browser windows open simultaneously or have two devices open). Players will sign on to the crowdpurr.com site with their name, and will access the correct contest using the code. The pacing of the contest will be controlled by the emcee, who will communicate verbally through Zoom. Players will have 15 seconds to select their answer – the faster you answer, the more points you get! There will be a short break between the rounds. Winners will be the top three cumulative point-scorers. So brush up on your chemical trivia, and good luck!
Registration in advanced is required, click here to register.