Call for Abstracts: vMIM ‘21

Cleveland Section ACS virtual Meeting-In-Miniature
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
The Cleveland Section ACS’s annual Meeting-in-Miniature will be held virtually this year. Contributed papers will be organized into sessions, which will be held as individual Zoom meetings (links to be distributed prior to the Meeting) during the afternoon. A final link for the plenary talk and awards announcements will be held later that evening. Talks will be at 20-minute intervals (15 minutes for talk, 5 minutes for Q & A), starting at 2:00 p.m.
Please submit your abstracts (maximum of 400 words) in Word format to Dr. David Ball by email at, by February 28, 2021. In the list of authors, underline the name of the presenter and indicate the email address that a Zoom invitation should be sent to. Also indicate whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student so that you can be eligible for awards.