2020 MIM Thanks and Congrats to Student Winners

Volunteer judges selected best presentations and the winners are:
Graduate students: Jayvic Jimenez (CWRU), Mallorie Boron (CSU) and Muyuan Zhao (CWRU)
Undergraduate students: Ayse Musaogullari (JCU), Gina Pignataro (CSU) and Mayam Ghazala (Oberlin).
Shortly before everything closed due to the pandemic, we had a nice Meeting in Miniature meeting Cuyahoga Community College Western Campus on March 9, 2020. We had 19 oral presentations by students and an inspiring plenary talk by David A. Schiraldi of CWRU.
Congratulations to our student award winners shown above! And thank you all that organized the events, all that participated, and our sponsors that have made the awards possible: Cerulean Industries, The Lubrizol Foundation, Oberlin College Department of Chemsitry, Amalgamated Tuna Company, CHMYST, LLC and Eveready Battery Company.