Past Chairs Night 2020 summary

At our past-chair night January 15, 2020 we honored all our past chairs for their important service to our section. We had a great turn-out of past-chairs – in picture from left to right: John D. Protasiewicz (2011), Genevieve Sauve (2020), Michael J. Kenney (2014), Helen K. Mayer (2002), David E. Orosz (2016), Lisa M. Ponton (2017), Michael Levy (2018), W. Christopher Boyd (2019), Dwight W. Chasar (1982), Mekki Bayachou (2010). It was a great evening starting with networking and a great meal at Kan Zaman. We then honored our past chairs for their great service. Genevieve Sauve is now officially the chair for 2020. To top it off we enjoyed a fascinating talk by Michael Fricke about the chemistry of arsenic and the history of the Cleveland Mousetrap.